Detox Year-Round With Innate Detox


As readers of this blog know, we’re big fans of doing periodic detoxes to cleanse the liver, kidneys and other emunctories so your body can operate at its highest level. Because of the high levels of toxins that we ingest on a daily basis, from our food to our air to our water to our cosmetics, it’s important that our bodies are able to adequately detoxify themselves so that we don’t experience a toxin overload that can cause a range of symptoms, from fatigue and depression to allergies and hormone imbalances.

Sometimes, though, it’s important to do more than just a periodic cleanse when trying to support optimal liver health. Because of this constant bombardment, daily liver health supplementation might be necessary to keep toxin overload from becoming too much to bear.

Research is expanding our understanding of the mechanisms of detoxification, and the necessary nutrients that aid this process. From vitamins and antioxidants to specialized liver support nutrients such as milk thistle and N-Acetyl Cysteine, daily supplements that provide these key ingredients are becoming more and more popular.

Our favorite daily liver-support supplement is Innate Detox by Innate Response. By combining the most supportive, potent botanicals, such as milk thistle and dandelion, with a therapeutic dosage of N-acetyl cysteine and a cruciferous food blend, Innate Detox brings about the most profound effect on the detoxification pathways of the liver. This formula is a foundational purification product that is ideal for patients intending bring about a purifying change to their overall health and incorporate powerful liver support with synergistic cofactors and supportive nutrients.

Innate combines two powerful liver-support ingredients for a potent daily detoxifying product:

Milk Thistle: Milk thistle (silymarin) extract may support the liver by optimizing the detoxification pathways—specifically phase 1. As with other bioflavonoids, silymarin can be a powerful antioxidant, which becomes critical during the detoxification process, especially after phase 1 is completed.

N-Acetyl Cysteine: NAC is an amino acid and precursor to intracellular cysteine and glutathione, both of which are integral to the detoxification pathways. Studies have demonstrated that NAC appears to exert protective effects by modulating glutathione metabolism and the biotransformation of mutagenic compounds.

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