Travel Essentials & Amrita Aromatherapy

Travel Essentials

by Stephanie Chambers 

As school is about to go back, many people have to travel. Here are some tips that might help make it a bit easier on your body.

Keep Vata at bay

According to Ayurveda, traveling increases the Vata body type. Vata is already the quality of “movement”, so by traveling you are making it worse. This can cause your skin to feel dry and for you to get what I call a “travel tummy” where you end up spending far too much time in the bathroom.

To reduce Vata while you are traveling, try as much to stick to a normal routine (e.g. go to bed on time) and eat warm oily foods. Listen to calming music and to rest whenever you can. You may like to put a Vata tea bag in the bottle of water you buy once you are in the actual airport. If you can, giving yourself an oil massage with Calming & Regenerating Body Oil each morning will help.

Diffusing whichever of the following essential oils appeals to you (e.g. in your car as you drive back), can help:

You may be interested to know that Amrita has a new car Dashboard Diffuser. And our Ceramic Angel Car Diffuser is also still available. The Amrita Ball Diffuser is small enough to take with you so you can even diffuse in your hotel rooms at night.

If you have any trouble sleeping (which often happens in strange beds), consider the Deep Rest Oil or Deep Rest Roll-On Relief.

Boost your immunity

Because traveling is so hard on the physiology, it can be a time when you are more susceptible to germs and other pathogens. To boost your immunity, try these solutions:

Recover from jet lag & travel tiredness

Jet lag can cause fatigue, headaches, insomnia and make it hard for you to recover from your trip and to go back to work or school.

Take a 3oz mist bottle, and add pure water and a few drops of whichever essential oils appeal to you from the list below to create a blend. Ideally create a blend to use each morning and another to use each evening as this will help you to reset your internal clock.

Shake it well and then spray it on your face, body or around the room and take deep inhales. Avoid spraying into your eyes.

Morning oils:

Evening oils:

Remember to enjoy it

Travel time is part of your vacation. So bring a good audio book or some classical music on your phone, relax and savor your journey!


Disclaimer: The statements made in this blog have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or healthcare provider. The information provided is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a healthcare provider, and should not be construed as medical advice.

The Benefits of Tiny Silver Particles in Tiny Brown Bottles

The Benefits of Tiny Silver Particles in Tiny Brown Bottles

By Dr. Frank Charles

Argentyn 23 manufactured by Natural Immuogenics is our top choice for consistent and safe immune support and microbial control.

Now it is easier than ever to have Argentyn 23 available at all times with the NEW amazingly cute 1 oz. size bottles. In addition to taking them everywhere, they make great gifts and can be carried on to airplanes legally. The new 1oz. sizes come in a vertical spray for sinus application, a horizontal spray for throat or skin and a bottle for internal use.

I personally would not travel without Argentyn 23 and this new size makes it easy to administer while in transit to anyplace.

Argentyn 23 is hands down the most significant speciation of silver for antimicrobial effectiveness available today. Speciation refers to the specific critical properties of the finished product imbued by the silver sourcing, preparation and manufacturing process. Contrary to what those with little knowledge of silver say, silver is NOT a heavy metal and is not at all dangerous to the body. Silver in various forms are utilized in hospitals, NASA space ships, and U.S. naval vessels for its disinfectant and healing properties. Up until the last hundred years and the advent of modern antibiotics, silver had played a very important role in the medical pharmacopeias from family physicians to surgeons.

Natural Immunogenics high quality silver products are delivered in brown glass bottles as silver should never be stored in any type of plastic. Silver releases phthalates from the plastic and we all know that phthalates are endocrine disruptors. In my mind selling silver stored in plastic is tantamount to holistic health malpractice.

Many silvers are easily but poorly made and have impurities, or are bound to mineral salts or proteins that invite various problems. The lack of effectiveness of non-hydrosol and impure silvers are due to much larger particle size and inability to generate an oligodynamic highly energetic level of activity. This was a key reason as to why I chose to not embrace silver products previous to my work with Argentyn 23. It is the electron activity of silvers that disrupt and degrade the cell membranes of microbes.

Size, dispersion and purity make Argentyn 23 the only speciation of its kind. This is the reason for the effectiveness of Argentyn23 and can be proven and validated through Transmission Electron Microscopy. Third party testing with infectious agents have shown the effectiveness of this speciation against all others.

The Argentyn 23 is the professional brand while the Sovereign Silver is the retail brand.