Our Favorite Leaky Gut Trio

Here are some powerful technologies for leaky gut that work extremely well together.

In the past two months we have attended two conferences including the Gut Brain and Microbiome conferences in Florida. While much information on various aspects of complex interactions were presented there were few innovative or outstanding products or protocols that excite me as much as the ones I will discuss here.

Check out some of our favorite technologies:

1. Pharmax HLC or Genestra HMF human microflora strains
2. Anova Health MBM Proven Prebiotic Formulation
3. Anova Health AvinoCort for core SIgA support

There is overwhelming evidence that 4 human human strain floras have the ability to reinoculate the upper intestinal track where others cannot. Chosen from over 600 human strains after years of research this consortium 4 found products from Pharmax and sister company Genestra. They have both proven themselves in several long term trials unrivaled by any other probiotic strains. HLC and HMF probiotics come in various strengths based on need. Pharmax HLC Replenish is my favorite for one to two week intensive small intestine reinoculation

Human strain probiotics are the safest in the industry. Please be aware that many of the new “spore” based probiotics while hardly have not been proven SAFE in many instances and can actually be dangerous to certain individuals.  There have been 9 deaths from septicemia form spore based organisms. Human strains and many food derived probiotics have a track record for safety.

One of the major reasons people have difficulty maintaining a health intestinal mucosa is stress. Prolonged stress leads to the suppression of Secretory or (SIgA) and the protection SIgA provides from pathogens.

Anova Health AvinoCort has been proven to reduce many aspects of stress in a number of ways. Because of the many factors in AvinoCort, about 70% of individuals  tend to report better sleep, more stamina, improved mood levels and more mental clarity. Individuals report varying degrees of these felt benefits within 2-5 days. Blood tests confirm better adrenal functions and metabolic syndrome markers in about 60 days in the 30% of individuals who don’t necessarily feel AvinoCort’s wow factor.

Anova Health MBM is a novel and highly effective prebiotic without the downside of sugar/starch based inulin. MBM has proven to repair leaky gut and elongate intestinal villi in pathology photographs. No other prebiotic has been able to prove this.

Thanks to years of research and development of the proprietary enzymatic extraction technology, MBM is also free of fructans, gluten, and gliadin and contains a concentration of biologically active compounds such as benzoquinones and a rich amino-acid profile. The synergistic effect of these biologically active compounds with vitamins and trace elements found in Anova Health MBM help nourish and sustain the growth and activity of over 300 species of beneficial bacteria in the gastro-intestinal microflora.

For additional information and questions please feel free to call our office at 864-408-8320.


New Product Line: Nelson Bach Flower Remedies


An Overview of Bach Flower Essences

The Bach Flower Essences are all natural, very dilute solutions made from spring water, brandy (in very small amounts as a preservative), and the petals of specific flowers. They are used to help balance the emotions and bring about a state of equilibrium in living organisms and have been successfully used with people and animals.

The Bach Flower Essences may be used individually or in combination. Rescue Remedy is the only combination remedy prepared and sold ready-made; it contains five essences and it typically only used for emergencies or extremely stressful situations when the subject is in a state of mental or physical shock, terror, or panic.

The Bach Flower Essences are very safe. The only contra-indication is hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. Since the botanical component is so dilute, a reaction is very unlikely. Grape alcohol is used as a preservative, so the essences may be unsuitable for those sensitive to alcohol.

Bach Flower Essences are not used to treat physical disease, but rather the emotional state of the patient. They can be used to help restore fear and anxiety, anger, grief, and many other emotions. Common sense and numerous research studies have shown how stress can have a negative impact on the immune system. Anything that we do to to reduce or relieve stress, including use of Bach Flower Essences, has the potential to positively affect our immune system and thus aid in maintaining physical health.

History of the Bach Flower Essences

The Bach Flower Essences were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach, a Welsh physician practicing medicine in the early 1900’s. Trained in convention allopathic medicine, Dr. Bach observed that his patients’ recovery seemed to have as much to do with their emotional health as it did with any physical condition.

Dr. Bach’s area of expertise was bacteriology, but as he became more intrigued with the emotions of his patients, he started to study the work of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic medicine emphasizes treating the “whole” patient including their emotions and mental state, rather than focusing exclusively on physical symptoms. As a result of his research, Dr. Bach developed seven nosodes to treat intestinal disease. A nosode is a homeopathic remedy made from a pathological specimen. The Bach nosodes are made from bacteria found in the bowels. As Dr. Bach began to use the nosodes with his patients, he observed that he could select the appropriate curative nosode for his patients based solely on their emotional state.

Tips on Using Rescue Remedy

Bach Rescue Remedy, the most well known of the Bach Flower Essences, is a combination flower essences formula created specifically for addressing stress in emergency or crisis situations. The essences used in this formula help with trauma and shock (Star of Bethlehem), terror and panic (Rock Rose), hysteria or loss of control (Cherry Plum), impatience and agitation (Impatiens), and faintness and stunned feelings (Clemantis). It is usually only used for acute or emergency situations, but can be used for treating chronic conditions, when appropriate. It can help after an accident or in any situation that causes extreme anxiety, nervousness, or terror. Rescue Remedy often has an immediate calming effect, and is safe, gentle, and non toxic. It may be taken as often as needed without fear of overdosing.

Treating Pets with Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy is not, however, a magic, instantaneous, solution for long standing behavioral problems. While it can be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety of a timid animal, it will not make them into a gregarious, “gotta love everybody” dog. Nor will Rescue Remedy remove your pet’s natural instincts, although it can help your pet to adapt those instincts to its environment.

Feature Blog: Digestive Health During Seasonal Transitions

Smiley face stomach

by Erin Stokes, ND, Medical Director at FoodState®

Autumn is the season of harvest, as well as a time of transition. We see evidence of this transition everywhere, as the days become shorter and the nights grow longer. Leaves change color and fall from the trees, and animals prepare for the upcoming winter by gathering food.

What are humans doing to adapt to the seasonal change? Usually, not much.

At this time of year, our bodies need more sleep (but we often don’t get it), and it’s also an ideal time to focus on optimizing digestive function. Between 60-80% of immune cells are located in and around the gastrointestinal tract. So, it stands to reason that a healthy GI tract is an excellent way to prepare ahead of time for winter’s immune challenges.

It’s a concept called seasonal therapeutics. No matter which season it is, there is always an emphasis on being proactive to get ahead of seasonal challenges.

Here are a few ways to support your patient’s digestive and overall health during the fall season:

  1. Avoid individual food allergens and high glycemic load carbohydrates. Focus instead on whole foods with a strong emphasis on increasing vegetable intake. This is a good time of year to help people identify those food allergens and sensitivities. Food allergens can be identified with an elimination diet, or alternatively, some prefer to selectively eliminate the most common offenders one at a time, such as gluten or dairy.
  2. Support a healthy inflammatory response in the GI tract with herbs such as tumeric root, boswelia serrate, and ginger root.
  3. Depending in the individual, consider proactively increasing frequency and/or potency of probiotics when moving into the Autumn months. Some individuals may need additional immune support as the seasons transition. One way to improve digestive and immune support is with probiotics.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Posted with permission from Innate Response™

Tackle Cold and Flu Season

Cold and Flu


As the temperature starts to drop, so does your immune system. From cold temperatures and holiday stresses to being stuck inside all day and night with everyone’s germs, that chill in the air can spell sickness for you and your family. Silver has been used for centuries for its antibacterial and anti-viral properties, and Sovereign Silver is a high-quality colloidal silver supplement with a fine particle size that allows for maximum absorption. With many different sizes to choose from, you can protect you and your family from the common cold and other harmful bacteria and viruses.

Travelling for the holidays? Try the Sovereign Silver Fine Mist Spray to protect yourself from the germs that circulate through the airport and plane. Its convenient 2 oz. size is even TSA approved! Try the 2 oz. Dropper Bottle as well, which is great for general immune support in a convenient carry-on size. If you’ve got a sinus infection from all of the dry, heated air inside, the Vertical Mist Spray is great for moistening nasal passages while killing bacteria and viruses.

If a nasty cold or flu is making its way around your family, knock it out at the first sneeze with the extra-large 32 oz. Family Size Bottle. Because silver’s half-life in your lymphatic system is only 15 minutes, it’s necessary to take a dose of Sovereign Silver every 15 minutes for 3-5 hours so that your immune system can regain the upper hand and fight off any infection quickly and effectively. The recommended dosage of Sovereign Silver is 1 tsp for a 100 lb. individual, and an additional teaspoon for each additional 40 lbs. This extra-large bottle size means that you can take the recommended dosage without having to worry about running out.

For cuts, scrapes or burns, the First Aid Gel is an invaluable addition to any first aid kit. This soothing gel works in four different ways to help your wounds heal fast by reducing pain, calming inflammation, fighting infection and promoting healing of the skin.