What is Biotherapeutic Drainage?

We all know that detoxification is an important component of optimal health. In order for our bodies to work at their full capacity, they need to be able to rid themselves of the toxins that accumulate from the things we breathe, eat, drink, and even touch. When the toxins that accumulate in our body exceed the rate at which our organs are able to get rid of them, we can experience a plethora of negative symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle and joint pain, brain fog, chronic toxin overload bucketinfections, allergies, poor digestion, skin problems and hormone imbalances. Therefore, it’s imperative to periodically reset our body’s pathways of elimination (also known as emunctories) and keep our personal “bucket load” of toxicity from overflowing.

For most, periodic detoxification is the best way to get the body’s emunctories (the liver, kidneys, intestines, bladder, lungs and skin) back to their peak level of drainage. But detox programs can sometimes be harsh and push the body towards the upper limits of its elimination capacity in order to remove these toxic accumulations. For some, this process can make them feel much worse before they feel better, and deplete the body of important nutrients and minerals. Detoxification has its place when there is severe toxicity present, but for those who want to periodically drain their emunctories and keep their elimination at an optimal rate, or have very sensitive systems, this may be an extreme way to go.

Fortunately, there’s an alternative method of eliminating toxins called Biotherapeutic Drainage. Biotherapeutic Drainage is a gentle, intracellular process that facilitates the body’s natural ability to eliminate toxins on its own, without forcing the body beyond its natural limits. Drainage gently restores health in a long-lasting way by helping the body return to its true natural state of health. Drainage can also be done in combination with other medications without any negative side effects.

UNDA’s Biotherapeutic Drainage kits are a fantastic way to get started on the path to optimal elimination, and are a convenient three-week kit containing everything you need to facilitate your emunctories through deep intra- and extra-cellular elimination while respecting natural physiology. There are four kits containing synergistic formulas to target specific elimination pathways:

  • Liver & Kidney + Adrenal Support: This kit contains synergistic formulas traditionally used as a global drainage protocol targeting the primary emunctories of the liver and kidney.
  • Immune Support: This kit contains synergistic formulas traditionally used to support key emunctories related to digestive health (stomach, liver), while respecting the body’s natural physiology. This kit is ideal for year-round defense, and especially before the start of cold and flu season.
  • Stress & Insomnia Support: This kit contains synergistic formulas traditionally used to support the emunctories and encourage overall physical and mental comfort. It’s ideal for symptoms related to stress and stress responses, such as agitation, irritability, oversensitivity, mental exhaustion, restlessness and insomnia.
  • Urinary Tract Support: This kit contains synergistic formulas traditionally used to support the key emunctory (kidney) as related to urinary tract health. This kit is ideal for symptoms of urinary tract conditions, including inflammation of the mucosal membranes in the urinary passage.

Help Beat The Winter Blues With These Products


With the winter storms beating down on much of the country, driving temperatures below zero and forcing everyone to stay inside, it’s easy to feel like the winter blues have fully taken hold. But the winter blues (also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder) don’t have to bring you down.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s tied to the change in seasons in people with normal mental health. SAD is generally caused by the lack of sunlight and reduced activity prevalent during the depths of the winter season, which can mess with your circadian rhythm and make you feel more tired than usual. If you seem to feel tired, moody and sapped of energy as soon as the days shorten, you may suffer from SAD. While it may feel like you’re never going to be able to enjoy the outdoors again, there are many steps you can take to help combat the winter blues and feel just as sunny as a summer day.


Exercise and other regular physical activity can boost endorphin production, relieving the stress and anxiety that can build up during the long, winter months. Even if it’s just the gym, as little as 30 minutes a day of exercise can help you beat the winter blues (and get you ready for bikini season!).

Light Therapy

Light therapy, either in the form of an indoor light box or exposure to sunlight does wonders for helping reset your circadian rhythm and helping stave off the symptoms of winter depression. If you can’t afford a light box, even opening your blinds to let more sunlight in during the day or taking a brisk walk for a few minutes outside can help make you feel better.

Vitamin D

80 to 90% of the Vitamin D that the body gets is through sunlight exposure, so when we’re stuck indoors, we lose out on this important vitamin that supports bone, cardiovascular and immune health, among other things. If you can’t make it outside, it might be important to take a Vitamin D supplement to help prevent a depressed mood. Try Innate Response’s Vitamin D 5,000 capsules for a high-potency, whole-food blend of Vitamins D and K, or Genestra’s D-Mulsion 1,000 for a great-tasting and easy-to-take liquid.


If you can’t hit the gym, or your winter blues are just too much for a sunny walk outside, it might be helpful to try the following supplements to help boost brain function and mood:

  • Mood Response by Innate Response: Mood Response provides a blend of the most powerful supportive and well researched botanicals to promote optimal mental and emotional health.
  • 5-HTP by Pharmax: 5-HTP is a direct precursor to seratonin, and can help balance mood and support sleep during the short days.
  • Melatonin Spray by ReadiSorb: This liposomal form of Melatonin allows for higher absorption to help regulate mood and sleep.
  • SAMe by Metabolic Maintenance: This supplement can be used to help alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety and fatigue.
  • Finest Pure Fish Oil by Pharmax: This great-tasting fish oil is a great source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which are great brain health support and may help alleviate symptoms of depression.











Celebrate Valentine’s Day With a Healthy Heart


When most people think of February, they think of Valentine’s Day and the joy (or heartbreak) that brings. But February isn’t just concerned with affairs of the heart when it comes to romance, it is also American Heart Health Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness of heart disease and its risks.

Heart disease (which includes cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and stroke) is the number-one cause of death in America for both men and women, and more than half of those deaths are preventable. The good news is, there are many steps you can take today for a stronger, healthier heart. Here are 5 tips to get you started on the path to a healthier heart in February (and beyond!):

1. De-Stress 

We all know stress is bad for you, but it’s especially rough on your heart. Stress raises blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol, which can take a toll on your body and mind. Just 15 minutes a day of meditation or an other calming activity can do wonders for your heart and soul. Unplug from the computer (and phone and tablet and TV) and read a book or do a puzzle. You’ll feel much better and reduce your chances of heart attack and stroke. If your stress levels are consistently high because of work or home headaches, try the SleepKare by BioKare, CalmZyme by TEC or the Lavender Vanilla Body Oil from Primavera Life to support relaxation from everyday stresses. For long-term stress support, the Adrenal Response from Innate Response is a powerful adaptogen.

2. Go Nuts

Studies show that eating just a small handful of nuts every day can help reduce bad cholesterol by up to 15%. Tree nuts (such as almonds, pecans and walnuts) and unrefined oils are full of plant sterols that are great for your heart, even in small quantities—you only need to eat 2 pistachios to reap their cholesterol-lowering benefits. For an extra sterol boost, try the Pharmax Finest Pure Fish Oil with Plant Sterols.

3. Turn Up The Music

Studies have shown that listening to music is linked to lower blood pressure and heart rate, so crank it up! Well, not too much. Those same studies showed that the tempo of the music you listen to is what affects your blood pressure, so keep it slow in order to reap the calming, heart-healthy benefits. Try this soothing playlist to start.

4. Lift Weights

Getting your heart pumping with some cardio is always a good thing, but hitting the weight room at the gym can have an even more profound effect on your heart health. Resistance exercises, such as lifting weights, have been shown to increase blood flow to the limbs more efficiently than aerobic exercise, and can also lead to a longer-lasting drop in blood pressure after exercise. If you’re going to do cardio, try interval training instead, which burns more fat and helps strengthen your heart even more than just jogging.

5. Get Fishy

Omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation, especially in the arteries surrounding your heart, and have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and death from heart disease, so adding more fish to your diet is important for overall heart health. Omega-3s are highest in fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, but it may also be necessary to take a fish oil supplement, such as Finest Pure Fish Oil from Pharmax. This oil has high doses of EPA and DHA, and a great orange flavor so you’re not burping up fish flavor all day.

Check out some of our other favorite products for heart health:

  • ARNOX Advantage: ARNOX AdvantageTM is a great-tasting nutraceutical specially formulated to increase, support and stabilize the body’s stores of the important life element Nitric Oxide (NO), which supports circulation and cardiovascular health.
  • Innate Response CoQ10: CoQ10 is an important nutrient for optimal heart health. This whole-food version also contains complementary whole-food extracts for optimal absorption.
  • Genestra HHR Cardio Drops: HHR Cardio Drops is a homeopathic and organotherapy preparation with heart, multiple botanicals and a mineral in a convenient liquid format to support cardiovascular health.

Guest Post: Why Talk About Leaky Gut?


Below is an interview with Doni Wilson, ND. This post originally appeared on the Innate Response Blog.

Intestinal permeability, aka leaky gut, is frequently overlooked by many doctors. Despite the fact that there are thousands of clinical studies supporting that this is an actual condition, there is a perception that the intestine never allows anything to pass through that shouldn’t enter into the bloodstream. Dr. Doni Wilson explains why this is a fallacy and what can be done to address this all-too-frequent, complex condition.

Q: Dr Wilson, you see a fair number of patients with gastrointestinal problems who have not been treated for leaky gut until they find your practice. Why is that?

DW: Most gastroenterologists don’t know what to look for when the classic symptoms of leaky gut present themselves, such as bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, as well as aches and pains. They are easily confused for other health issues, such as for which drugs and antibiotics are prescribed, which only exacerbate the problem.

Q: You mention antibiotics. What are the root causes of leaky gut?

DW: Leaky gut is a spectrum condition; we all probably have some form of intestinal permeability. It’s a matter of degree. There are a number of possible contributing factors. Certainly celiac or gluten sensitivity is one cause. But also, consider exposure to toxins such as glycophosate from grain crops. As I mentioned, antibiotics do contribute to problems with permeability.

Q: Do the symptoms of leaky gut always present in the same manner?

DW: No, and that is often the biggest challenge. The patient may not always have overt symptoms. It may be a food sensitivity, a generalized feeling of being unwell, or something seemingly unrelated at all. For instance, I always check for leaky gut when I see cystitis symptoms, or inflammation of the bladder. Also skin conditions and unexplained weigh gain may point to leaky gut.

Because leaky gut is associated with inflammation, it is important to test all patients who have problems with blood sugar regulation, autoimmunity and even chronic stress and anxiety.

Q: What might a treatment pattern look like the leaky gut?

DW: It is a slow process, one size does not fit all with repairing intestinal permeability. Because the intestines are more porous, there may be nutrient deficiencies for vitamin D, iron or B-vitamins. Hormones may be out of balance that can affect blood sugar and women’s hormone balance. Once you have this combination of nutrient and hormone imbalances, therapy becomes very complex. The patient must commit to a long process of committing to dietary changes, taking carefully prescribed supplements, specific strains of probiotics and managing stress.

The good news is that this is very doable. I will talk about this in my webinar. There is a lot of territory to cover in the gut to heal all the porous tissue. It can take about a year, which means both the patient and the practitioner have to stay in this together. Overall, it empowers the patient to improve their health and get to the underlying causes of their discomfort and illness.