Antioxidants 101: The Scoop on Free Radicals


Antioxidants. Free radicals. Oxidation. Cell damage. Anyone who’s paid attention to health news in the past few years has been bombarded with these terms, and seen the explosion of products that contain antioxidants, from skin creams to smoothies. Antioxidants have been touted as miracle molecules that prevent a multitude of diseases, from cancer to heart disease to aging. But what are they, and how can you get more of them?

When your body is exposed to toxins, such those that are found in tobacco, alcohol,  and polluted air and water, your cells oxidize and release molecules that are known as free radicals. Free radicals are atoms that have unpaired electrons, and this drive to get a matching electron causes a chain reaction in the rest of your cells that can lead to permanent damage, including aging and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

It’d be impossible (not to mention pretty miserable) to try to avoid smoke, alcohol, pollutants and other toxins for your entire life; luckily we also have these little molecules known as antioxidants, called such because they limit the damage (oxidation) caused by free radicals in your cells. Some antioxidants are created by your body, but most come from the foods you eat, such as colorful fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains.

If your diet is lacking or you need an extra boost, you can also add antioxidant supplements to your regimen. Here are some of our favorite antioxidant products:

  • Readisorb Also known as the “Master Antioxidant,” Glutathione plays a critical role in helping your body detoxify and protect itself against oxidative stress. This easily absorbed liquid contains more than 400 mg of Glutathione per serving.
  • Innate Response Resveratrol Reds: Resveratrol Reds is a potent antioxidant formula blended with synergistic whole food fruits and vegetables to fill gaps in the diet. Many research studies show that the benefits of resveratrol nutritionally support the overall health for the cardiovascular system by promoting healthy arteries and helps to maintain a healthy metabolism.
  • Pharmax Endogenous Antioxidants & Cofactors: This powerful blend of N-Acetyl Cysteine (precursor to Glutathione) and other endogenous antioxidants helps support detoxification and combat cellular oxidation.
  • Metabolic Maintenance Deluxe Scavenger: Optimum doses of essential antioxidants are combined in one formula to create this powerful daily supplement.
  • ARNOX Advantage: This great-tasting Nitric Oxide booster is also full of antioxidants, to help support cardiovascular health.
  • Genestra Selenium + E: This synergistic blend of two important antioxidants—selenium and Vitamin E—helps maximize the prevention of cellular damage.

Beat Adrenal Fatigue With Adrenal Response

We all suffer from stress. From work to family to even what to cook for dinner every night, we all feel the pull of stress in our daily lives. But when the pile of little stresses becomes too big, our body’s response can weaken and we can suffer from a multitude of symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, digestive problems and difficulty recovering from illness. This weakened stress response is known as adrenal fatigue, and it results when our fight-or-flight response goes into overdrive, and our adrenal glands can’t keep up.

Situated above the kidneys, our adrenal glands are responsible for creating the hormones (namely cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine) that regulate energy production and storage, muscle tone, heart rate and other functions that help our bodies respond to extreme stress. What started out as the fight-or-flight response of the occasional life-threatening event in our caveman ancestors has now morphed into the chronic stress of daily life, and our adrenal glands can’t keep up the hormone production needed to keep our energy levels high enough to deal with it all.

This adrenal fatigue manifests itself in extreme tiredness throughout the day, trouble sleeping when we do actually get to bed, sugar cravings, poor digestion, and food and environmental allergies. You can take an online self-test to help you see if you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue, and your practitioner can also administer urine and saliva tests to further diagnose your condition.

If you are diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, it’s important to avoid caffeine and other stimulants until your hormone levels are regulated. You should also minimize stress on the adrenal system by balancing your blood sugar (and your energy) with a diet low in refined carbohydrates and sugars. Find time in your busy day to do something that helps you relax and de-stress, such as meditation, a relaxing walk, listening to music or reading.

A supplement may also be necessary in order to restore balance to your adrenal system. One of our favorites is Adrenal Response by Innate Response, which is packed with nutrients and herbs that can help strengthen your body’s response to the stresses of modern life and nourish your adrenal glands. This powerhouse adrenal product has been recently reformulated with higher potencies of key adaptogenic herbs, such as:

  • Ashwagandha: This powerful herb has been used in Ayurvedic healing for centuries, and is known for its rejuvenating, adaptogenic properties
  • Rhodiola: Rhodiola is an herb that thrives in Europe and Asia, and is wonderful for boosting energy (physically and mentally) and calming excited emotions
  • Astralagus: This root, used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, helps improve energy
  • Holy Basil: This prized herb, also known as Tulsi, is a powerful antioxidant that enhances the body’s natural reaction to physical and emotional stresses

Worried about adrenal fatigue? Don’t stress! With a balanced diet, stress-busting activities and the right supplements, you can get back to feeling full of energy and save the fight-or-flight response for when you’re facing real danger.


New Year, New You: Level 1 Detox


As the ball drops and the pages turn on the calendar of a new year, attention also turns to fresh starts and resolutions. A great way to get a fresh start for the new year (and to recover from the bloated holidays) is to do a gentle detox to help support your liver and give your body a tune up so you can face the coming months with a clear head and a boost of energy.

Since your body already has its own detoxifying system in your liver and kidneys, it’s important when doing a detox to focus on supporting your liver so it can help to better clear out all of the stored toxins in your system from all that pie and candy. The most important component of a good detox plan is diet, so it’s important to make sure you’re consuming more than juice while you’re cleansing.

We recommend a 1500- to 1800-calorie intake, consisting of light protein; it’s important to have a consistent supply of protein to manufacture the amino acids necessary for liver clearance. Meats that are breaded, processed, fried, or unclean are to be avoided. Chicken, fish, turkey and protein powders are preferred, but organic red meats are permissible. You can also incorporate plant-based protein sources, such as beans, seeds and nuts.

In addition to protein, you’ll want to stock up on cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. These vegetables are sulfuric, which helps your body produce that all-important Glutathione necessary for helping your liver clear out toxins. If you have inflamed or stiff joints, you might want to try eliminating the nightshade family of vegetables, such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes.

You also want to stay away from any substances that will stress your liver, such as processed sugar, alcohol, dairy or caffeine. To boost your detoxification level, try these adding these supplements to your plan for optimal cleansing:

  • Metabolic Maintenance Metabolic Detox: This delicious plant-based protein powder is an excellent supplement for elimination diets. Since it contains all essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this shake makes an excellent detoxifying meal replacement for those on the go.
  • Pharmax Liver Support & Detox Intensive: This comprehensive combination of herbs and vitamin C supports liver function and helps get the detox engine going. Antioxidants such as bilberry, black currant and green tea support enzymes in the liver that process and remove toxins.
  • Readisorb Liposomal Glutathione: This potent Glutathione supplement provides more than 400 mg of the “key antioxidant” to help your boost your liver’s ability to flush out toxins and to help defend cells against oxidative stress.
  • UNDA Biotherapeutic Drainage Kit—Liver and Kidney: Detoxification can have the potential to stress the body, but UNDA Biotherapeutic Drainage™ kits work in a gentle manner on a cellular level to help facilitate the body to eliminate toxic accumulations and re-balance the body’s natural process of eliminating toxins.
  • Innate Response Innate Detox: By combining the most supportive, potent botanicals, such as milk thistle and dandelion, with a therapeutic dosage of N-acetyl cysteine and a cruciferous food blend, Innate Detox brings about the most profound effect on the detoxification pathways of the liver.